
Dear colleagues:
The Agriculture and Animal Sciences Faculty of Universidad Central “Marta Abreu” de Las Villas (UCLV), its academic staff and Organizing Committee call to The Ninth Edition of the International Conference on Agricultural Development and Sustainability "AGROCENTRO' 2019" to be held on June 23 - 30, 2019 in line with the International Convention 2019 UCLV. The Conference goal is the scientific interchange among specialists along the world in relevant and interesting topics that will be presented with high academic-scientific level.

AGROCENTRO will stimulate the interchange among professors, scientist, technician, farmers,   enterprise representatives, governmental representatives, international organizations and institutions, as well as public in general interested in research and promoting the topic and socializing results.

The Organizing Committee of AGROCENTRO invite you to present your professional or practical contributions with the guaranty that we will obtain the common objectives in a friendly and solidarity environment with fraternity.



    Dr. C. Alfredo Marin Cárdenas
  President Organizing Committee
       AGROCENTRO’ 2019



-Official Languages: Spanish and English

-Title (Bold and capital letters). No more than 200 characters including spaces!

-Author and coauthors (top 5), e-mail address of main author.

-Institution and country.

-Abstract (not exceeding 250 words). The Official template is available at Web page of event.

-Work text (introduction, materials and methods, results and discussion, conclusions, acknowledgements and references). The Official template is available at Web page of event. The maximum length of the whole paper will be 10 pages A4 format of 0.8 inches (2.03 cm) per each side.


The Organizing Committee reserves the rights of accepting or rejecting the submitted papers. The papers out of deadline will not be published in the Conference CD.


The papers, presentations and other Conference materials will be published in a compact ISBN.


The works will be submitted as Word (.doc) files, not exceeding 10 sheets per submitted work in letter format (8 ½ x 11 inches or 21.59 cm x 27.94 cm) with margins of 2.5 cm per each side and typed in Arial format, with size of 11 points to single space.